Hi all,
I need some help in script logic for filtering the tranasaction data in a model and copy it to the next year in the same model
My requirement is
We have Projects data for 2014 in a model...
For the account dimension we have a member COMPLETED and it is updateded manually in a input form with value 1 if the project is completed , else no value ...
Proj id proj_cost time approved_budget complted
project1 1000 2014 1000 1
project2 2000 2014 2000 0
In the model , the data is saved like
Projectid Time Account Signed Data
project1 2014 Proj_cost 1000
project1 2014 Approved_budg 1000
project1 2014 Completed 1
project2 2014 Proj-cost 2000
project2 2014 Approved_budg 2000
From the above example , I need to copy the unfinished projects (which is Project2) to Year 2015 in the same model, here i need all rows for Project 2..
I tried with some script but couldnt achieve this ... Wanted to know if we achieve this using Script logic or do we need to use BADI ..
If this can be achieved by script need some scripting help .
Thanks in Advance ..
Regards ,