Hi Team
I am using
EPM 21.2 patch
Excel 2013.
This issue is only with Office 2013 other like 2010 and 2007 are working fine.
1) I have a template which does a refresh on open.
2) The template has a VB code to connect to BW system as below
Sub LogintoBW()
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
retrieve_case = False
Dim objBAPIControl As Object
Dim sapConnection As Object
Dim objTable As Object
Dim objmapping As Object
Dim client As EPMAddInAutomation
Set objBAPIControl = CreateObject("SAP.Functions")
Set sapConnection = objBAPIControl.Connection
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.Cursor = xlWait
Set client = New EPMAddInAutomation
'**********Logon to SAP remotely**********
sapConnection.client = "100"
sapConnection.user = "XXXX"
sapConnection.Language = "EN"
sapConnection.hostname = hostnm
sapConnection.Password = "test1234"
sapConnection.SystemNumber = Sysno
If sapConnection.Logon(1, True) <> True Then
MsgBox "Unable to connect to BW! Please close the sheet and reopen it to try again.", vbCritical
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub
When it reaches to the code : Set objBAPIControl = CreateObject("SAP.Functions")
the cursor is coming out of the sub.
It does not throw any error messages. I am not sure why that line is not executing.
Can someone had this issue before and fixed it. Thanks