I am writing a BADI to replace our Default logic in Script Logic and use the BADI to achieve the same logic. In this logic, I have to perform currency conversion, by looking up rate table and based on certain conditions, I have to perform the conversions.
To check the conditions, I have to read ACCOUNT master data in the BADI and reference the ACCOUNT master data and its corresponding properties.
I am not sure how to read the Dimension Master data in the BADI and write to an internal table for reference in the code.
Currently, this is the code I am using.
* Structures needed to read Account Master Data and write to Internal tables
lo_account TYPE REF TO cl_uja_dim,
lr_dim_data TYPE REF TO if_uja_dim_data,
lt_account_attr TYPE uja_t_attr_name,
lr_account_data TYPE REF TO data,
ls_acc TYPE REF TO data.
<ls_acc> TYPE ANY.
* Select Account Dimension
REFRESH: lt_account_attr, lt_acc_sel.
CLEAR: ls_acc_sel.
CREATE OBJECT lo_account
i_appset_id = i_appset_id
i_dimension = 'ACCOUNT'.
CATCH cx_uja_admin_error.
lr_dim_data = lo_account.
*Write the Account property names in the attribute name table
'ID' TO lt_account_attr,
'ACCTYPE' TO lt_account_attr,
'ACCT_GRP' TO lt_account_attr,
'EVDESCRIPTION' TO lt_account_attr,
'FORMAT' TO lt_account_attr,
'FORMULA' TO lt_account_attr,
'IS_INPUT' TO lt_account_attr,
'IS_INPUT' TO lt_account_attr,
'LOGIC_GRP' TO lt_account_attr,
'PLAN' TO lt_account_attr,
'RATETYPE' TO lt_account_attr,
'SCALING' TO lt_account_attr,
'SOLVEORDER' TO lt_account_attr,
'STORED_CALC' TO lt_account_attr,
'STYLE' TO lt_account_attr.
***** Selects only the BAS members of Account Master Data ***
ls_acc_sel-dimension = 'ACCOUNT'.
ls_acc_sel-attribute = 'CALC'.
ls_acc_sel-sign = 'EQ'.
ls_acc_sel-option = 'I'.
ls_acc_sel-low = 'N'.
APPEND ls_acc_sel TO lt_acc_sel.
CALL METHOD lr_dim_data->read_mbr_data
it_attr_list = lt_account_attr "Attribute/Properties list of Account Dimension
it_sel = lt_acc_sel "Selection criteria for reading the Account members
er_data = lr_account_data. "Reference of Account Master Data
CATCH cx_uja_admin_error.
ASSIGN lr_account_data->* TO <lt_acc>.
CREATE DATA ls_acc LIKE LINE OF <lt_acc>. "Now Account Master Data is available in <lt_acc>
ASSIGN ls_acc->* TO <lt_acc>.
I am not able to use the <lt_acc> field symbol table. When I try to use the <lt_acc>-RATETYPE property, I get an error when I check the code, which says ""<LT_ACC>" is a table without a header line and therefore has no component called RATETYPE".
Is there any other way, (may be simpler and shorter) way to read the master data in BADI?