Hi All,
BPC 10 on HANA.
For one of our clients, we have huge data in the system and it is becoming difficult to keep up the performance as well as things related to housekeeping. We are doing things like lite optimize, transaction data archival, etc. already. What I am trying to understand is if there is a standard process for housekeeping related to comments, BPF and work status and whether will it really improve the performance of the system?
I read about comments tables - CMT and CMTA and that there is a class CL_UJC_CMTMANAGER whose method ARCHIVE_CMT can be implemented to move old comments from CMT to CMTA table. I would like to understand if this moving of comments from comments to archive table impacts performance?
Further, are there any similar activities for work status (apart from delete locks) and BPF as well?