Hi Experts,
I have a really urgent problem. I am using SAP BPC 10 Netveawer version with EPM 10.0 SP24 .NET 4 version in my PC. I made reports and authorization for cost center in this report. For example, a user only authorized for Cost Center A. When he opens the report, he sees all the cost centers in the repor that ADMIN saves before. But when I look the context of the report, I only see the correct one(Cost Center A). You can see from attached file.
Then I realized that, when I refresh metadata cache, It has been okay. But every time, when user enter to report, he sees wrong thing. As a solution, I have tried following actions,
-I used UJA_REFRESH_DIM_CACHE from se38-doesnt work
-I did it, in BPC and save report again.-doesnt work.
Do you have any ideas, what should I do.
Looking forward to here from you.